
2008 Handbag Trends for Men

It has been a few years since the idea of the manbag was first floated in popular culture. The phenomenon that put this word into the vocabulary of the mass culture was the sitcom Seinfeld, and while the idea was partly a joke, like all good jokes it had its roots in reality. After all, most men can probably admit that at one time or another they envied a woman’s ability to easily carry everything with her wherever she went.

Just think about it, guys. While it is probably true that for many years we didn’t have to carry as much stuff around with us as the fairer sex, more often than not we had enough goods to make our pockets feel slightly uncomfortable. Pens and paper, Kleenex, chapstick (oh yes you DO use it), sunglasses, wallets, gum, mints, etc. all had to be secreted away on our persons in a way that would make any samurai warrior proud, but left us with a lot of fashion faux pas (is that a cigar in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?).

Well, it is 2008 and it seems as though the idea of the manbag has finally begun to catch on even with guys who consider themselves rugged individuals. The problem is that for the most part, we are not yet ready to embrace the accessorizing factors that are such a big factor with the ladies. The good news is that when it comes to handbag trends for men, the big designers are aware of our self-imposed limits and have acted accordingly.

In order to overcome our sense of manliness, handbag designers are drawing up manbags that any guy can feel comfortable carrying. These bags most often emulate the simple design of a laptop bag or a tote bag, and may even come looking like a soft briefcase. They are available in “manly” business colours such as brown and black, suitable to any business occasion.

If you want a piece of utilitarian fashion that makes it possible for you to carry and easily access all of your most important items (and in the New Millennium the list is bigger than ever before – ever try to fit a cell phone, a blackberry, the chargers, etc. into your pockets), then the manbag is probably the best choice for you. Thanks to discrete designs, it’s not a big stretch for even the most self conscious of men.